Are Secrets of the Pyramids found in San Francisco?

Are Secrets of the Pyramids found in San Francisco?
Transamerica Pyramid Building in San Francisco.

Are Secrets of the Pyramids found in Other Cities Like San Francisco?

Whats the point?  or better what is with the point?

Giza Pyramids.

Pyramids around the world particularly those in Egypt have been a mystery for years. Why are they there? What is unique about that location?

As it turns out, the 3 pyramids of Giza are they reflective of the spacing of the Orion’s belt constellation and they are at the exact geographic the center of the earth - 0° latitude and 0° longitude.

Image of Mayan Stepped pyramid, the pyramids at Giza, and Orion's belt constellation. Naan Design.  Naandesign.
What do these Ancient Wonders of the World have in common?

Pyramids in other locations on Earth including Mayan culture sites, have similar properties as Sphinx and pyramids of Giza.  These ancient wonders have numerous mysteries surrounding them. So many things are in plain sight but are not understood.

Image of Orion's Belt - Mirrors the spacing and formation of the pyramids of Giza. Naan Design.  Naandesign.
Orion's Belt - Mirrors the spacing and formation of the pyramids of Giza.

Secrets of the pyramids found in a San Francisco?

Today we are talking about a San Francisco high rise that was constructed in 1972 to house the offices of the Transamerica Corporation.  At the time it was completed, it was the 8th tallest building in the world standing at 853 feet tall (260m).

While this may not be one of the ancient wonders of the world, this building has a pyramid shape.  This form seems strange for the middle of a modern city like San Francisco, especially when the top floors of high rise command the highest rent.

While it is very far way from Egypt and Giza pyramids, the building form makes us wonder whether there is somehow a connection.  Why is this San Francisco high rise pyramid-shaped?  John R. Beckett commissioned the building and claimed that the shape was to provide more sunlight to the street below.  

This could be the case, but why spend all of that money on a high rise and eliminate the most valuable property which is at the top?

More secrets of the pyramids.

Is possible there are more secrets of the great pyramid including this one in downtown San Francisco?  There may in fact be a clear connection between the Sphinx and pyramids of Giza and this San Francisco high rise pyramid.

Answers may have been uncovered by a sleuth taking advantage of the internet to share and report astounding coincidences and relationships between these buildings and many buildings around the world.  

According to an amazing video called Secrets in Plain Sight, the location of the Transamerica pyramid is very specific. The reason it is shaped like a pyramid with a point on the top is that it marks a specific location on Earth.

Here is an excerpt from a video:

“The Transamerica pyramid is a landmark worldwide and is the most famous building in the city, but the Transamerica pyramid, neither houses the headquarters of the Transamerica corporation, nor is it really a pyramid. Does it remind you of an obelisk?…”
View of the Transamerica Pyramid  - Driving down Columbus Ave in San Francisco - Transamerica Pyramid. Naan Design.  Naandesign.
Driving down Columbus Ave in San Francisco - Transamerica Pyramid 

What is the connection to Ancient Wonders?

There are connections between major cities in the world. Once we look below the surface and begin asking questions we can see that there is much hidden right before our eyes.   We can find patterns in geometries and location makers in historic structures all across the planet.

Numerous other cities show interesting design patterns and relationships to ancient sites and wonders of the world. Washington DC, for example, is embedded with geometric overlays for all major structures and monuments.  The Washington Monument is an Egyptian styled obelisk and the pentagon is inscribed and designed around a pentagram.

There are similar obelisks in the City of London as well as in Vatican City inside Rome. Washington DC is connected to Europe which is also connected to Africa which is connected to Asia and so on and so forth.

Summing it Up.

We can travel through life just looking at buildings and taking them for granted, but we can also use our natural curiosity lead us to question why they are there, how they were made, who made them.  

An investigative and inquisitive mind can discover some interesting truths. We encourage you to dig into this video by Secrets In Plain Sight as you have time. Watch the mystery unfold in front of you.   It might make you want to visit the Giza pyramids or San Francisco, CA to see for yourself.

The next time you come to San Francisco, instead thinking of the Transamerica Pyramid building is simply an icon to put the SF on the map, you will know it is encoded with hidden information and marking a very specific location on the earth.

The full video - Secrets in Plain Sight, Volume 1, is along video and a deep dive, but it is mind-blowing in its depth and research. Tackle it as you have time.

Secret in Plain Sight Volume 1:

Meanwhile the mini-videos, such as this one about the city of San Francisco, will hopefully pique your curiosity.

The link to the SF video:

The San Francisco information Begins at 2:13.